SIGMASHELLLaser-welded plate heat exchanger
for thermal treatment of liquids, vapour and gas.
Heat transfer surface up to 700 m2 per unit.
Applicable in all industrial sectors like chemical & petrochemical industry, pharmaceutical industry,
renewable energies, bio energy, power generation, pulp & paper, steel mills and coking plants.
Operational limits:
– Operating pressure from vakuum up to 150 barg
– Operating temperature from -200°C up to 550°C
– Viscosities up to 8.000 mPas
Available in all current plate materials.
Shell construction: all welded or accessible to one or two sides.
Multi-pass possible for shell and plate side.
Calculation can be done for counter-current flow, co-current flow and cross flow.
Fishbone corrugation pattern for high and low heat transfer characteristics.