In 03/2018 issue of AgroIndustry quarterly issued by the promotion agency Biko Tech, an article was released dedicated to Sigmatec dealcoholisation system for beer/wine/cider production by API Schmidt-Bretten. (more…)
In 08-09/2018 issue of Przemysł Fermentacyjny i Owocowo-Warzywny quarterly issued by the publishing house Sigmanot, an article was released dedicated to Sigmatec dealcoholisation systems for beer/wine/cider by API Schmidt-Bretten. (more…)
JMR Europe Sp. z o.o. has participated in the Polish Brewing Congress – this is an event which every year raises an increasing interest in the industry. (more…)
JMR Europe Sp. z o.o. has participated in the Polish Beverage Congress – this is an event which every year gains on popularity. This year's edition was held in Krynica-Zdrój. The event brought together almost 180 industry representatives from Poland and from abroad. This edition was held under the auspices of the Coca-Cola HBC Poland. The organisers of the event were the Technical University of Łódź and Bikotech. (more…)
From 31 January to 1 February, 24th Symposium Chemia 2018 was held, where once again we promoted our products, listened to the debate on the Polish chemical industry and discussed with our customers.